This will automatically set the line spacing for any new document that you create. If you find, upon restarting Word, that your change has not been saved, then something is preventing Normal.dotm from being saved To add paragraph indents in Word 2013, 2016, 2019, or Word for Microsoft 365, do the following: Select one paragraph or a. If you have a school or organization that requires you to use a specific type of line spacing for your documents, then it may just be easier to change the default line spacing in Word 2010. Microsoft Word 2010 Change Default Spacing from Double to Single Space 1. 1.0 is for single spacing, 2.0 is for double spacing, etc.

Step 5: Choose the value that you want to use for your line spacing. Step 4: Click the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph section of the ribbon at the top of the window. Step 3: Click the Home tab at the top of the window. Step 2: Press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select the entire document. If Spaces is clear and All checkbox is selected, de-select it to clear the All checkboxes. You can turn this off via this simple procedure: Click on Tools menu > Options > View tab. Our guide continues below with more information on changing to double spacing by default in Word 2010, including pictures of these steps. If your Word is only showing spaces as dots. Select Double under Line spacing, then click OK. Click the Format button and select Paragraph. If you are working on a new document, then you can skip the step where you select the entire document. Right-click the Normal style and choose Modify. This tutorial will assume that you have already created the document, and that you want to change the line spacing for the entire document. Click anywhere in the paragraph that begins As part of, and then on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Line Spacing button, and then click Remove Space After Paragraph. Word inserts 12 points of space after every paragraph in the document.
So check out our tutorial below to learn how to change your line spacing in Word 2010. On the Page Layout tab, in the Paragraph group, change the Spacing After setting to 12 pt. Fortunately line spacing is a simple setting to change in Word 2010, and there are a number of different pre-set options from which you can choose. Spacing can also make a document easier to read, which is why many schools and organizations will require documents that you create to be set to a certain value. In Word2007 & 2010 Microsoft changed the default linespacing to 1.15.Line spacing can have a big impact on the size of a document, often doubling the page count if you increase from 1 to 2 lines. In Word 2003 the default line spacing is1.0 which might be to compressed for some users. What is the default line spacing in Microsoft Word 2010? USE THE PARAGRAPH SPACING OPTIONS TO CHANGE THE SPACING After you apply a style set, you can customize the spacing by using the new paragraph spacing options. When you see spacing that you like, click the name of the style set. The default spacing in Word is1.08 lines, which is slightly larger than singlespaced. The Word 2010 style set adds space between paragraphs and also adds more space above headings. Word allows you tocustomize the line spacing to be single spaced (one line high), double spaced (two lines high), or anyother amount you want. Because the previous paragraph was double-spaced, one line space already appears there. NOTE: Some grad schools require more than one line spacing before and after direct quotes (as well as tables and figures). This will insert one line space after the single-spaced block quote.

Line spacing is the space between each line in a paragraph. To do so, under Spacing, from the After drop-down menu, select 12 pt. Hit Format Paragraph and put zeroes in the Spacing Before and After boxes.