Hence symbols play an important role in wedding ceremonies, a few important things my husband and I did on our wedding.Ĭhinese cannot be far from symbols, and I understand that all symbols during the wedding ceremony are obviously for the bride and the bridegroom to focus on and take as something to keep in mind during their marriage life. Maybe not all of them, but some are still applicable and still good for us to live by.Īctually traditional Chinese consider, the main objective of a marriage is not only the joining and enhancing the two families, but also the assurance of succession with good numerous descendants. And they said that all traditional things our ancestors had passed on must have had something good for us to adopt. They thought that both the traditional things and the modern things should be "balanced". I think I was lucky for having been born in Indonesia where wedding customs and rituals that my ancestors had brought from mainland China were made much simpler, but that my traditional parents still did several things to still preserve them. Nowadays more Chinese people seem to have taken the wedding receptions more important than that of complicated and broad Chinese traditional ones.
#Cara menggoreng kacang tanah dengan kulit series#
They take the importance of the series of Chinese traditional wedding customs and rituals as more important than that of the reception itself. Traditional Chinese people usually consider that the main objective of a marriage is not only the joining and enhancing the two families, but also the assurance of succession with good numerous descendants. Hidangkan semur kering selagi panas setelah ditaburi bawang goreng.

Setelah ayam matang, matikan api, lalu tuangi air jeruk limau, aduk rata.ĥ. Biarkan kuah mengering dan ayam matang.Ĥ. Masak hingga kecap mendidih dengan api besar.ģ. Tumis bumbu halus, pala dan kayu manis, hingga harum dengan minyak goreng dan margarin. Goreng matang, lalu tiriskan.ġ/2 bagian bawang bombay (jika suka), iris-iris sesuai selera.ġ. Potong menjadi beberapa juring, tetapi jangan terlalu tipis. (Sisihkan kira-kira 1 jam agar bumbu meresap)Ģ buah kentang, bersihkan dan kupas. Selain bumbu lebih cepat menyerap, juga tidak terlalu mengkhawatirkan akibat sampingan mengonsumsi ayam ras yang banyak diberitakan tidak begitu baik untuk kesehatan karena suntikan hormonnya.ġ ekor ayam ras, buang kulitnya, potong-potong sesuai selera, lalu marinasi dengan: Saya menggunakan ayam ras yang sudah dibuang kulitnya. Penambahan kentang goreng dan air jeruk limau membuat hidangan ini terasa khas yang membuat perut langsung terasa lapar begitu tercium aromanya. Nafsu makan anak-anak akan bangkit oleh bumbu-bumbu sederhana Semur Kering Ayam ini.